Friday, December 18, 2009

On the mobility of fibre

Or, how knitting Changes Things

Today I had to go to the doctor for an appointment, and, on a whim, decided to take my knitting. This is not something I usually do have ever done, but hey, might as well have fun while I'm waiting around, right?

I never expected the kind of reactions I got. This doctor is part of a medical complex, and much like a hospital, the complex herds you around before you actually see the guy. Throughout signing in, waiting in various areas, getting my vital signs, and then talking with the doctor, I got the strangest reactions. Now, I'm not usually a person who sticks out particularly well, other than I dress like someone older than I am (I dress like I'm in my twenties, not to imply immodesty.) But apparently knitting turns me into something observable, something interesting.

The woman at the window sighed as I signed in, when she saw it spilling everywhere.

The lady in the waiting room, who watched my needles with fascination, but never said a word.

The nurse, who got extremely nervous and fretful- poor girl didn't know what to do with herself when I asked for a moment to finish off the needle!

Even the doctor, who, being middle eastern, related fond memories of his mother and grandmother knitting with great, large needles at breakneck speed.

It was like I was part of a secret club. Something about it fascinates people. That one moment of clarity, of bringing my knitting instead of, say, a book or sudoku or my cellphone, took me out of the Normal People category, and straight into Fibre Person. I was identifiably part of a group, a Knitter. One Who Knits. That yes, I have something awesome to do with my time that doesn't involve fast cars and faster people. Somehow, I feel I must wear this as badge of honor.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Inspiration Thursdays?

Like I said, I draw a lot of inspiration from visual art. The color and texture just... I want to make it real. To interpret that, and be able to hold it in my hands.

One day, I'm going to learn how to dye, and everything around me will be brilliant.

Image does not belong to me, no copyright infringement intended!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The first post is the hardest.. right?

*deep cleansing breath*

Okay. So, I'm seriously looking for some motivation in the creative corner of my life. I can't say I have much of an outlet for all the artistic things I do, and I reallyreally need one, even if it's just for my own benefit.

That being said, I really have NO clue what I'm going to do with this blog. My interests are varied, but I can break it down into a few points:

1. I, my friends, have a fibre addiction. I can't quite remember when it began, probably when I went into my first fabric shop. That's where it started, in hole-in-the wall fabric shops with old ladies who always remember you and what your latest projects are. This in turn has quickly carried over to yarn, which in some ways is very much like fabric, only more raw. They each have their strong points, and each are just as addictive.

2. I've been sewing from a young age, easily more than half my life (which, since I'm only a little older than sixteen, is a lot.) This was fed by my addiction to fabric, and a love for historic fashion. That is something I can babble about for hours, if one will let me. Ethnic and historic costume is just fascinating. It has so many ties to the customs and socio-political mores of the era/place (ooh, I sound smart!)

3. As I said, my fibre addiction has carried over into yarn. The past couple years, or so, I have been slowly getting into knitting, and now it seems like it has been turned on full blast. I don't quite know how long it will last, all I know is that it is quickly picking up speed, and I'm finishing more projects than I ever thought I had the motivation to finish.

That's pretty much it, broken down. I draw a lot of inspiration from textural and visual art, and, hopefully, I can find a way to integrate that. I have this far-off vision of a blog that can serve as a motivator and easy-access inspiration. Stick around, we'll see.